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Every woman is different. But women have far more commonalities than they do personalities. So let me start here by telling you what I've discovered about women's commonalities, and then I'll compare women's personalities.

For most people, women are as complicated as a Chinese crossword puzzle.

Because to men, their behavior is never rational.

One thing I am sure of is that women think and need completely differently than men.

Some people can't understand this, but it's true. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can become a master at getting girls.

Make a comparison between what men and women are interested in.

Have you ever wondered what women do when they are idle and what men do when they are idle? Women buy fashion magazines, watch soap operas and read romance novels. While men buy Playboy, watch sports and read newspapers.

Take a moment to think about this! What is the appeal of fashion magazines, soap operas and romance novels? Why are women attracted to these?

Why is it that when men try to watch soap operas or read romance novels, they always complain, "This is boring ......"?

I'll tell you why. Women's brains are completely different from men's. Simple? But here's why.

When you are told what to do to get a woman's attention, you will slowly learn how to get her attention.

So, Girl Wisdom tells you that in order to have a better understanding of women, then you can't think in the conventional, rational way; women are a kind of set up that is not in a set up!